Oreka Godis

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Nothing But Blackened Teeth

If Deadpool (2016) was a romcom then Nothing But Blackened Teeth is an unrequited love story.

If you saw The Haunting of Hill House (2018) and walk past a bookshelf wondering if this cover is worth an investigation (yes) then do yourself a solid and pick this book up.

I don’t think I’ve ever joyfully needed a dictionary/wiki/translation guide as much as I did reading Nothing But Blackened Teeth, the gift that gave libraries within a story. The mythology is beautifully introduced, the writing so eerily descriptive, you can taste the tension as you bite down on your tongue every time someone has a harebrained idea about what to do to show they are a team player. This book could double up as an infomercial highlighting the dangers of being in team ‘doing too much’ - provided there is enough room in the production budget for all of the baggage that accompanies this famous five.

Parts of this book will frustrate you but overall, you will get the chance to swap your tired ol campfire stories with something worthy of Halloween. Cheers to Cassandra Khaw, love and friendship.

May we know love, may we keep good friends, may we not be married to our stupid ideas till death do us part, amen.